With our knowledge of hydrotherapy and hot tubs we wanted to learn more about cold water therapy and its benefits. The rise of ice baths and their popularity becoming more prominent, it made us quite curious. Famous people from all walks of life seem to be taking the plunge into this trend. But are they just following a trend or are there really some benefits from taking the plunge? This article will tell you if ice baths truly are beneficial, lets break it down.
Let's start at the very beginning...
With our knowledge of hydrotherapy and hot tubs we wanted to learn more about cold water therapy and its benefits. The rise of ice baths and their popularity becoming more prominent, it made us quite curious. Famous people from all walks of life seem to be taking the plunge into this trend. But are they just following a trend or are there really some benefits from taking the plunge? This article will tell you if ice baths truly are beneficial, lets break it down.
Let's start at the very beginning...
What is an Ice Bath?
To put it simply, an ice bath is a container or tub filled with cold water, where ice is often added to reduce the temperature of the water to as low as 3 C. A person would slowly immerse their body into the cold water, but some people choose to only immerse specific body parts for targeted recovery. The length of time spent in an ice bath will vary person to person, but the recommended duration is usually around 10 to 15 minutes.
It's important to note, if the user feels any discomfort or excessive shivering it is likely a sign to get out of the water. When entering, it is essential for the user of the ice bath to focus on their breathing and mindset to avoid any discomfort.

Who should be using ice baths?
Ice baths are most often used by people who are active or participate in sports. It’s not uncommon to see athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and weekend warriors jumping into an ice bath after excessive physical activity. However, due to the rise in interest in cold water therapy, the benefits of ice baths have become attractive to non-athletes too.
Who shouldn’t use ice baths?
How often should you use an ice bath?

How to keep ice baths water clean:
Most brands with no filtration system would recommend changing your water every four weeks. This can be extended using water treatments such as sanitisers, or UV purifier. To ensure that your ice bath water stays as clean as possible, it is recommended that you cover your tub or container to stop any debris from getting into it when you're not using it. If your water is starting to look murky or unhygienic, you should change it sooner than the four weeks.
The process of keeping your ice bath water clean will differ depending on the brand decide on, so it is important to do plenty of research before making a purchase.
For higher end brands like ‘Chill Tubs’, maintaining your water is much easier as these high quality ice baths come with ozone sanitation and a built-in filtration system as standard. This helps to keep your water cleaner for longer!
In our opinion and with our knowledge and research, these are the top five benefits as to why you might want to start using ice baths. In no particular order...
The top 5 benefits of using ice baths:
1. Reducing muscle soreness
2. Improving recovery time
3. Improving circulation
4. Boosting your immune system
5. Metal health benefits
After extensive research it is very clear that ice baths have both mental and physical benefits for most people, however you should ensure that they aren’t using cold water therapy when you are physically injured or suffer from any cardiovascular illness, unless recommended by a medical professional.
If you are interested in purchasing a high quality ‘Chill Tub’ then check out our website. If you have any questions, then give us a call – 07809345704!