Our blog is a great place to find out about new Jacuzzi® launches, exclusive offers, recent installations, showroom activity and much more. Keep checking back for our regular updates...

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Take a look around the Jacuzzi® J225


Take a look around the Jacuzzi® J225 and find out what makes it a fabulous Hot Tub. With a smaller footprint, this Hot Tub is perfect for smaller spaces. This model has 3 seats delivering a powerful hydromassage whilst a bench seat provides...

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How do I clean my Hot Tub filter?

A Jacuzzi® Hot Tub can be the perfect place to relax, entertain and spend time with family. But cleaning it is probably not at the top of your to-do list.

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How to fill your Hot Tub with water


So you've either just had your fabulous new Jacuzzi® Hot Tub delivered, or you've just drained it down as part of your maintenance routine. How do you fill up your Hot Tub? Do you need special plumbing? Sophie, our Jacuzzi® Expert, is here to show you!

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What are the benefits of a Swim Spa over a swimming pool?

Wondering ‘what is the difference between a Swim Spa and a Swimming Pool?’ Well, you are in the right place! In this blog we will go over all the benefits of a Swim Spa...

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How to drain your Hot Tub

Draining you Hot Tub periodically is important to keep the water clean and prevent damage. It can seem like a big task but Sophie, our Jacuzzi® Expert, is here to show you a few ways to make it as simple as possible.

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Hydrolife wins big at Jacuzzi® SwimLife™ Awards Ceremony

It’s a long time since I or any of the team have gone out for an evening meal or glass of wine and to be honest, I am not sure when it’s going to be possible again. Normally at this time of year we would be heading off to Canada for the Annual Jacuzzi® SwimLife™ Conference

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How to change a ClearRay® Bulb

As a Jacuzzi® Hot Tub owner, you may have to change your Hot Tub's ClearRay bulb yourself. Don't worry! Our Jacuzzi® Expert, Sophie is here to guide you through it!

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How do I clean my Hot Tub?

So, you’ve either just invested in yourself and purchased a brand-new Jacuzzi® Hot Tub...or you are busy doing your due diligence prior to making an incredible commitment to your self-care. Either way, we are here to help you get to grips with hot tub maintenance and how to clean your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub!

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Do I have to use chemicals in my Hot Tub?

Hot Tub chemicals play a very important part of your Hot Tub maintenance routine. Sophie, our Jacuzzi® Expert, will tell you more about which chemicals you can use and the benefits!

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How Hydrolife can help this November

At Hydrolife we are extremely well equipped and experienced as a business to manage these challenging times. We have put into place several processes to support past, present and future

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Caring for your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub this Autumn

Wondering how to keep your Hot Tub leaf-free this Autumn? Our Jacuzzi® expert, Sophie, is here to give you a few tips to help your Jacuzzi® Hot Tub stay in tip top condition!


How to have a Hot Tub party for kids!

Hi, I’m Katie and I support the Kent Hydrolife team! I am a mum to two young boys and my first thought when I see a hot tub is ‘my children would love one of these!’. It is true, children love the warm relaxing benefits of a hot tub just as much as adults! Water is such a huge

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Common questions when buying a Jacuzzi Hot Tub

Hi! I’m Natalie and I work for Hydrolife Hot Tubs. I’m based in the Cheshire and Northampton showrooms where I’m known as the Jacuzzi® lady! After many years of dealing with Hot Tub buyers...

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How much does it cost to run a hot tub?

Running costs are always the very first thing to come to mind when considering purchasing a hot tub and rightfully so as

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Common Hot Tub Problems & Solutions

Stepping into a Jacuzzi® Hot tub after a long day at work is the perfect way to de-stress and unwind. The last thing you need, or want, is problems with your Hot Tub! But don’t worry, we’re here to help! We’ve put together a list of the most common issues...


What is the best Hot Tub for my family?

When asking someone ‘what’s the best Hot Tub’ this is very much open to opinion. There are so many different hot tubs out there, each with their own pros and cons, it would be next to impossible to narrow it down completely across all brands!